Their Journey, Their Decisions, Our Support.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure

What We Do

Substance Use Prevention in Schools

Prevention Ed delivers in-person substance use prevention programs to schools worldwide.

Our Prevention Specialists bring their personal recovery stories to life, delivering evidence-backed lessons on alcohol, drugs, teenage brain development, media literacy, social norms, and the critical link between mental health and substance use.

We are not an abstinence-based program, nor do we moralize about drug use. Instead, we follow the research: delaying alcohol and other drug use is the most effective way to protect young people from developing addiction. Through evidence-backed education, we empower them to make healthy, informed choices.

Adult Workshops

Our workshops equip educators and parents with the latest insights on youth substance use trends, effective prevention strategies, and practical tools for meaningful conversations.

We provide communities with strategies to identify risks early, build trust through conversation, and connect youth with the right resources.

Student Substance Use and Peer Perception Survey

The Student Substance Use and Peer Perception Survey (SUPP) was developed in collaboration with leading experts in public health, addiction medicine, and mental health.

It anonymously measures:

  • Student alcohol and other drug use

  • Students' perceptions of their peers' use

  • The connection between stress, mental health, and substance use

Prevention Ed offers the SUPP as a key service for schools seeking to use their community's data to better understand the unique risks their students face.

A Few of Our Partners

An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure.

Who We Are 

We are prevention professionals with clinical backgrounds.

Our personal stories of recovery and clinical experience are powerful tools that allow us to connect with students and deliver an evidence-based curriculum through meaningful conversations.

In The News

Teenage Vaping: Marketing
and Dangers

Teen vaping concerns rise along with reports of lung damage

Summer is prime time for teen substance use. How do we prevent it?

Dangers of Vaping for Teens

A World of Worries: A Parent’s Passport to Teen Mental Health and Substance Use

Keeping Your Kids Safe: A Guide to Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention Before Summer Break

Genetics Determine About Half Of A Person's Predisposition To Addiction | TODAY

‘Our Why’

Discover how Prevention Ed can support your students, parents, and educators in your community!

Let’s Talk!